Catching Up

I cannot believe how time has flown! I got caught up with Thanksgiving and then before I knew it it was December!
We're still in the process of buying a house and although things have been rocky we're trying to be patient and trust that God will work things out for our good and His glory whether we get the house or not.
I have one final left and can't wait until it's over!!! I'm so ready to be done.
Chuck and I made Almond Bark pretzels last night for our home group Christmas party. We had a good time even though the kitchen is small and we kept bumping into each other. Thankfully neither of us were burned during the adventure.
My younger sister, Liz, who is just about through with her first semester of college at UNT, is flying back to MN on the 15th and as the date nears I get more and more nostalgic for Christmas at my parents. They have snow, the traditional Christmas Eve meal and so much of my family. I miss them but am so excited that Chuck and I get to start our own traditions with our child soon. Next Christmas s/he will be 6 months old! AH! I'm always startled by that realization.
I have this vision of us visiting MN next Christmas and some of my friends and family that haven't met Chuck yet will also be meeting our 6 month old! Time sure does fly! Oh course, several of my fellow High School graduates already have kids so it's not entirely out of the ordinary.
On that note, I've got to get going to class, only today and next Friday left!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.